Autumn Evening Swamp Milkweed

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Any and all. I’m new to photography and interested in all forms of feedback. I’m relatively comfortable with Lightroom but still very novice with Photoshop. This is one of the first photos I edited using PS.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any. Beat me up.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

80mm Fuji macro lens
ISO 3200

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#Ig danielwoodmd

I think your choice of B&W works well in this image, Dan. At first glance, my thoughts were “bad hair day”. Well seen and captured. I am not all that good in PS myself, and usually do most of my work in LR.

Welcome to the world of photography Dan. I’ve been working in LR for several years now and PS for many more, not sure about the others here at NPN, but there is always something new (and exciting) to learn in both programs. Takes time, patience, experimenting and lot of curiosity. So hang in there. I do like the black and white. . .also love photographing milkweed. . . quite a challenge because of the fine feather and brightness of the pods seeds. My only suggestion is to keep experimenting. . . and shooting.

Looks pretty darn good, Dan. I might add back a hint of lines in the blow out whites (you can use the cloning tool at 8-12% opacity - you need to experiment as every image is different). You can gently add back just a bit and I think it would work quite well here. Otherwise, I quite like it.

Dan: Welcome to NPN and thanks for a fine first post. Milkweed pods/seeds are wonderful subjects and I think you composed and converted this very well. Great to have you aboard and looking forward to more of your work and comments on other’s images. >=))>

@Shirley_Freeman, @linda_mellor, @Bill_Fach - thank you all so much for the positive feedback and encouragement!

@Harley_Goldman - great suggestion. I struggled with that particular area. I didn’t think to try the clone tool. Will give that a go to see if I can tone down those spots.

Appreciate you all!


Dan, this is a fine take on milkweed seeds. They are a fun and very challenging subject. Your treatment looks very good here, with your strong focus on where the “feathers” join the seeds and your high contrast processing. I think that just a tiny bit more detail in the dark parts of the seed head in the corner would let that head and its angle play a stronger role, but that may not be what you want.

Dan, A nice first post. Milkweed seeds are always a great subject for experimenting. Focus is where it needs to be. Agree with Mark on bringing out some details on the dark parts of the seed. I like the way it is composed.