Badlands Vista

Just a great representation of the Badlands.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

810, 200-500, @200mm, f/9, 1/1000, ISO 500

Processed in On1 for tonal qualities and Photoshop for depth and color.


Chris, I love the almost monochromatic look of this scene. Very cool. I could see it in B&W too. I guess the only thing I cold suggest would be to brush a bit of dehaze into the top edge. Not a big deal though. Well done, sir.

Hey Chris! Really cool shot. The Badlands have always been a place I have wanted to visit. I like this composition of just having the rock textures in the frame, but to me all of the fun and interesting lines and shapes are in the bottom half of the frame. Iā€™d try some different crops out to see if they work to simplify the idea of the photo.

I went in and added some contrast to most of the frontal areas and reduced the contrast in the back (top) to create a bit more atmospheric depth of field. I shall revisit the cropping as suggested.

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