Berry Creek

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is Berry Creek, which flows (barely) into Lake of the Woods, near Sioux Narrows, Ontario. The photo is shot from a bridge on a local logging road. It’s a go-to spot in the Fall.

Specific Feedback

It’s a pretty standard composition, but initial reactions are welcome.

Technical Details

Canon 6D mkii, Canon 50mm f1.4 USM lens
1.0 seconds at f18, ISO 100
Minimal post processing to pop the colours a bit.

  • Clouds were added in PS, as it was flat overcast and I didn’t want to crop the tree tops.
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Hi Warren, this is a very pretty scene, worth capturing, and I like your composition, with the creek at a diagonal going into midground area. The turned leaves in the center make a dramatic splash of color and the addition of the clouds is a nice touch, adding a foreboding note to the scene. Overall, the scene appears to be a bit underexposed; I would like to see the evergreens a little brighter.

Thanks for the thoughtful critique. Looking at it, I agree that I can pull up the exposure a bit, especially on the foreground pines.

Hi Warren,
what a beautiful autumn scene. The vibrant colors of the leaves make you want to walk through the forest and enjoy nature.

I agree with Jim about the exposure… there is quite some space in the histogram.

I hope you don’t mind that I downloaded your image and messed around with it.

My adjustments:

  • raising the exposure and adjusting the white balance
  • removing some color cast (especially in the sky)
  • selectively increasing the contrast to let the foliage pop a bit more

Yes, I like those changes. Thanks for taking the time.

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