Blue Dasher Dragonfly

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Saw this female Blue Dasher at the local botanic garden recently. I liked the converging diagonals in the image.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Canon 90D, 70-200 f2.8L IS II, 1.4x extender II
ISO 2500, f16, 1/800s, hand held

Processed in DXO Pure Raw 3 and Photoshop.

Allen, this is a nice look at the Blue Dasher. The dark BG makes it all about her. I like the converging diagonals too, and the wing doesn’t completely cover the eye, so that is nice as well. If it were mine, I might would try brightening her and the perch up just a little bit just to see if it improves the overall image. To me, right now, it seems like a dark image, but that could be because of the dark BG. Just a thought. I would be thrilled with this image just as presented.

The light is moody and grabs attention, along with the composition. Excellent!!

Allen: A much nicer perch than I had for my most recent Blue Dasher and a fine capture against the dark BG. Excellent plane of focus management as well. Many kudos. >=))>

I like the perch and don’t mind the darker nature of the photo, but darn, the eye looks a bit soft. Probably the focus latched onto the shoulders. I hate when I do that. Dragonflies are tricky.