Caddo Lily Pad 23-67


Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I love how the Blackwater treats everything

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Lumix S5

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Beautiful, Steve. Your treatment of the lily bloom is perfect and the debris laden lily pads set it off wonderfully.

Oh what a nice group you found. I like the uniform shade of green with the bits of yellow and orange around. The flower is like an exclamation mark, but also belies the semi-raggedy condition of some of the lily pads. Good reflection and crispness over there, too. I don’t know that I love the black water, but I know as part of a larger work featuring black water swamps that you’re doing, it’s fitting.

Steve, I am drawn to the drama of this composition. The orange debris leads the eye through the picture and returns to that beautifully reflected Lilly. Very nice.

Hi Steve, I like this composition a lot and the black water really provides a nice backdrop to the green lilypads and white flower. Although not a leading line, the pads provide a nice path from the foreground out to the flower, with its beautiful reflection, which wouldn’t be there otherwise.

Steve: The only thing I don’t like about your Caddo Lake images is that I’ve been in Texas nearly 40 years and not gone there. You’re shaming me. Wonderful find and the light and contrast is marvelous. Super find and an equally fine capture. >=))>

Very nice capture. Well seen. This reminds me of the couple of times I was able to canoe Caddo Lake. Memorable place.