My dog Charlie loves the beach. This is him in lBi. Nikon d7200
Specific Feedback Requested
Did okay in camera club but I thought it was a winner. What would you do differently ?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
1500/ 200/f11
My dog Charlie loves the beach. This is him in lBi. Nikon d7200
Did okay in camera club but I thought it was a winner. What would you do differently ?
Is this a composite: No
1500/ 200/f11
Joann, I really like your portrait of the violinist and how you’ve used selective lighting and a good mix of lines and curves. As far as any judged event, final choices depend strongly on the tastes of the judges. Not winning doesn’t mean it wasn’t a great photo, unless there are specific criticisms, and even those depend on personal taste at least somewhat.
Hi Joann
This portrait is a classic clinic in lighting and could be use in photography, stage or broadcast. You should be proud of this photograph.
I just finished entering three pieces in a photo competition and while I did take a second and a Best in Show, I would have picked other images I thought were much stronger. The vagaries of judging will make you go nuts. My student’s used to complain bitterly when I would give an 87 or 88 as to why couldn’t I make it a 90, thus an A but the answer was always, because it didn’t quite reach that bar. It is a strong B+ but not a stong A- For me, and for whatever reason this image won’t download into PS, the black BG isn’t consistently black, nor “black” enough. If you had used a small backlight, you could have created a bit of a halo look and that too would work. Other than that, I am a sucker for anything with musical instruments or musicians, so I think it’s worth either a reshoot, or a re-edit.
Personally I’m a bit confused with this entry. I see that everyone is talking about the violinist photo. But you also have a photo of a dog in the ocean, thus your title “Charlie’s Wave” You say that’s your dogs name and he’s clearly in a wave! Is that the photo you want feedback on? If so, in my opinion I love it! And I do agree that it is a winner. I love the motion of Charlie and the ocean, I think it flows nicely together and it’s a great composition.