Canon 7D, Sigma 150mm f2.8 macro, 1.4x TC, Canon 430 EX II Speedlite
ISO 400, f18, 1/250s
Cloned out some flash highlights on the spider.
Any comments appreciated.
Excellent job on the spider, Allen, and I really like he way it’s positioned relative to the flower geometry. My one minor nit is the piece of debris that runs vertically in the upper right corner. It contradicts all the rest of the flow of the image, so you might clone it out.
That is a real nice one in green and red. I like the comp with the spider looking in the direction of the lines of the flower. Good dof on the spider. The LRC is slightly distracting, you may try to darken that part a bit. This is very minor. I like it very much.
This is a fine take on this crab spider, Allen. The spider is nicely sharp and it stands out well from the flower.
Allen: Great find and a fine capture. I especially like your DOF/POF choice. Most excellent.>=))>