Crab Spider + repost

This little guy was waiting patiently for dinner to arrive. He didn’t seem to mind posing for me while he waited.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
I shot this with Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon 100 mm f2.8 macro lens with NiSi close-up filter attached, KX-800 twin flash with diffuser, HH, manual settings at f13, 1/200, ISO 320. Edited in LR, Topaz AI Clear, and NIK Viveza 3. Almost full frame, only cropped to straighten a little. I just got the NiSi close-up filter and I am liking the results on my macro lens thus far. I even shot an ant today and got good details!


Nice work again, Shirley. You are a spider whisperer for sure! Cool that the NiSi filter is working out. Still on the fence about that one. Considering the flower, this must be a wee crab indeed. I love how they’re always ‘cocked and locked’. Have you ever seen the little hunting blinds they make? They sometimes take petals and bend and tie them together with silk to hide under. It’s amazing and wonderful. You could raise the midtones here if you wanted…it would make it pop. Once again your light is perfect…where’s that bowing emoji again?


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Nice image, Shirley. I don’t photograph in macro, so the techs are beyond me, but it’s a good image with nice details.

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Wonderful detail in this little fellows face, Shirley. Looks like he is expecting you to deliver something. I agree with @Kris_Smith’s suggestion about lightening up the middle tones a bit. Otherwise, great capture.

I upped the midtones a bit. I think I edited this after dark last night, which isn’t a good idea. Lighting in the room makes a difference in how we see it. Thank you, @Kris_Smith, @terryb, and @linda_mellor .


Great Composition @Shirley_Freeman and the update looks very good in lighting. I am going to have to get on board with the KX-800 and how to setup diffusing the light. This is a excellent photo in many ways actually.

Dean, I know what you mean. I struggled with the diffusion for that flash for quite awhile. Tried all kinds of DIY setups, and finally, I am fairly pleased with the cheap diffuser I found that fits on the lens. Then I got some of the plastic packing wrap and hung right over the two lights. I have aimed the two lights so that their light crisscrosses each other, which keeps from the lights shining directly only the subject and causing 2 light reflections showing up, when in fact, our world only has one light source. I wanted things to look as natural as I could. I wish you the best with it. I set my flash to 1/16 most of the time, which from what I understand, when taking a photo in the shade then (and usually my diffuser shades the subject, but if not, I try to shade it with my body or something, because ambient light will cause the flash to not be so much help), would be like taking 1/5000 of a shutter speed, even though we have it set at around 1/200. I find that the f-stop works best for me at around f10 most of the time, but somewhere between f8 and f13. I set my ISO at around 200 most of the time, but rather than boosting the flash, I will up my ISO. I don’t want anything auto going on when using the flash. I hope that helps.

Wow, Shirley! I’ve never seen the face of a crab spider before! It looks like he’s smiling at you! There’s a whole universe to be seen with macro! I also love seeing the size perspective on the flower. Really neat!

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Hi Shirley,

Your repost is perfect. Good colors and the comp is pretty good. I would try it without the close up filter and crank down the aperture to f16. Excellent results…Jim

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I am late to this one, but I just have to say that the repost is an outstanding image.

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Shirley: Good thing you’re slightly bigger than the spider or else it would be sizing you up for lunch! I love coneflowers and the color contrast of the spider on the petals is terrific. Really well done. >=))>

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Hi Shirley, I love the good composition on this one. Excellent DOF to bring the spider out. Nice one!
Grt, Ingrid.

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