Paul’s lovely project prompted me to post this photo. Taken this past May. I really wanted to get out and try a stack of these to just get a bit more in focus…
A bit of wind blowing.
Specific Feedback Requested
Enough dof?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
R5, 100mm macro, f/4, 1/320, ISO1600, cropped square.
I like it the way it is. More depth of field would make two changes. One, it would bring the point of attachment of the achenes into clearer focus. Two, the calyx tissue - the fluffy white puff - would be in focus and the ring of slightly out of focus puffs would be gone. That ring takes the viewers eye and gently guides it to the center of the image. And a very good image it is.
The softness in the processing is a welcome sight. So many images these days have the contrast dialed up (I’m guilty, too). I also like that you were inspired by another member of the community to revisit this image. That’s a beneficial follow-on effect of this time of photography forum. Thanks for digging it out and sharing.