Remember when gasoline was .44 cents per gallon. . . or better yet, .25 cents??? I think I’m not the only one. I feel as tho’ this gas pump represents many aspects of the auto industry that are either in the process of being obsolete or already are.
I photographed this the morning as it is the only time some light is one the gas pump. However, it did make for some very bright light reflecting off of the concert blocks. In post processing I worked with luminosity masks both dodging and burning to bring down the hightlights and bring up the darker areas of the pump. Also de-saturated the background just a bit to emphasize the pump. Any and all comments and suggestions are welcome.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Cropping? I did crop just a bit wanting to leave the dried up grass and some of the structure to establish a time frame. Any comments/suggestions are welcome.
Nikon D7200, f/9, 1/100sec., iso 100 @ 46mm, handheld.
Linda, although really showing some age this is not on antique level yet. The lighting is just right and allows us to see the finer details in the largest version.
No thoughts for change from me.
I’ll scare you and say I recall paying $.19.9 at the pumps. I remember $.23.9 for what seemed like eons. I think I recall my dad paying $.13.9 and $.15.9 at times.
Great photo. Really speaks of abandonment. Yes, I remember gas at $.25 per gallon. I think the editing is good. Personally, I would maybe crop a little from top and bottom. I’d like to see the pump better. I think the context would still be there even with a little cropping.
This fine photo brings back memories. Yes, I remember gas at $.13 a gallon, and remember not being able to afford much gas @ $.25 a gallon. After all, I was only making $1.10 an hour at my job at the time! I vote for a bit of cropping, but like it as presented.
Linda, this is a fine look at this old gas pump. Your low pov has it looking like a sentinel of a bygone era. Your processing also looks very good. You might look at 3 crops; 8.5 x 11 losing half the grass, 8.5x11 losing the blue sky (putting the pump higher in the frame, giving it more visual dominance) and 4x5 losing both some grass and the blue sky…
Thanks @Shirley_Freeman, @Mark_Seaver, @terryb, @Paul_Breitkreuz and @Chris_Baird for your great suggestion and kind words. And I agree, I like the cropped version (as Mark suggested 8.5x11) with the sky omitted, hopefully putting more emphasis on the gas pump.
Linda: Nice job on the repost. I worked my way through some of my college years at a neighborhood filling station and garage so this pump looks familiar. >=))>