Dragonfly + REDOs

highlights reworked


REDO 1 for sliverfly
Ran file thru Topaz Photo AI to remove noise and over sharpen


Dragonfly 2

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I put a dead branch up in our wildflower garden as a perch. By the time I set up the camera, this Dragonfly was using it. The images are several minutes apart; the light had changed.

Specific Feedback

white balance and mood

Technical Details


Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I like the branch you chose for his perch. It has character to me. I wish he was more parallel to the camera and the eye was more visible. Just my taste anyway. I like them both, but I think the green BG makes the DF and the perch stand out more.

Oh the first is the one you want! Good pose and background. A bit blown out in the highlights which is part of the challenge with dragonflies. So shiny. Have you tried using a polarizer to cut down on that effect? I find it helps a lot, especially in full sun when these guys are most active. Looks like a male Blue Dasher, a striking and remarkably cooperative dragonfly.

And I do like the one that is more monochrome silvery-blue, too, for just that quality. It shows the texture and color in the wings beautifully. A hair noisy, but still quite lovely.

Thanks @Shirley_Freeman and @Kris_Smith
I reworked the highlights, but seeing them together, I like the original, even with the blown-out highlights, as it feels more like the original light.
I also ran the silvery version through Topaz. I know it is too crispy but I kind of like it.
Your thoughts

Hi Steve. I’m afraid I do prefer the redone version of the first with the highlights subdued. The whacked out Topaz version of the gray is just awesome-may not be realistic, but very artistic.

Steve: Hard for me to choose beyond ranking the original last but that’s only because I like the others more. The reworked silver fly and the last iteration are my favorites. Really nice work.>=))>

Thanks @Dennis_Plank and @Bill_Fach
As for the silver fly, thanks for the compliment as I know my vision differs from most.