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Arrived in Raleigh, NC from Korea the day before yesterday. A nice surprise to see this early butterfly on a Japanese Cherry in our friends’ yard. And such great birds - it’s so enjoyable to see a whole new range of wildlife when you travel.
Specific Feedback
Using only basic processing on my traveling laptop - so did this come out all right?
Technical Details
D500 + 150-600mm (@600mm) 1/400 f 13 ISO 400 EV +0.7
Basic tonal adjustments in ACR. Neat Image noise reduction and Smart Sharpen in PS. No cropping.
Critique Template
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Mike: what a beautiful specimen this is. Tigers are fairly uncommon around here so this is a real treat. The composition and presentation looked pretty darn good to me. Looking forward to more of your discoveries here in the USA. >=))>
My first thought was, wow, they have those in Korea!?? Looks like you’re making the most of your time abroad! A lovely capture and the processing looks excellent!
Processing looks just fine, Mike. I love the pose you caught nicely spread out with that background of the Japanese Cherry blossoms. Lots of really nice birds in that part of the country, so you should have fun with them. I’m not sure if the warbler migration is coming through yet, but that’s supposed to be prime time for birding.
Mike, welcome to North Carolina. I’m about an hour and 15 minutes from Raleigh. You have educated me on the tree. I have one in my yard and was always told it was a blooming pear tree. I haven’t ever seen a
Tiger on one. In fact, I was out of town till Thursday afternoon, so I missed the blooms this year. This is a lovely shot. I like the composition just fine. @Dennis_Plank has also enlightened me, I didn’t realize that the warblers migrate through here at this time. I have only been watching in my yard mostly, so one can sure miss something like that. I hope you have a wonder visit to the USA. Looking forward to seeing your photos.