Flower photo

I shot this at f/11, iso 100 and 1/200 of a second with my trust tamron macro lens.

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Harrison: Nicely done rose spiral. I like your DOF choice and the color. My only tiny 1 cent suggestion would be to crop just a tiny bit tighter to eliminate the dark URC and completely fill the frame with the rose. Great to have you aboard and looking forward to more.>=))>

I like the head in angle and the resulting spiral curves, Harrison. The exposure also looks excellent. My personal taste would be for enough depth-of-field to make the edges of the petals sharp, but that’s a real judgement call in floral photography. If you’re into cloning, I think the image would work better with a bit of out-of-focus flower color cloned into the upper right corner in place of the black.

A very appealing image, and I look forward to more of your work.

Hi Harrison
This is a very nice rose so I took the liberty of playing with it a bit. I warmed it up, made a duplicate layer and darkened the duplicate and painted that in a bit and changed the crop. Those would be my suggestions, for what they are worth :slight_smile: Welcome to NPN!