
Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

Any reactions are welcome!

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

The frost is over again. Although I prefer the heat, a bit of frost is still a treat if you have a macro lens at home.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I love the feel of this image with the two grass blades leading to the ice crystals. It has a rather uplifting feel which is aided by the out of focus bokeh circles. I would consider shifting the image a bit to the left in the frame as if feels a bit empty to me on that side.

Ingrid, I like this a lot. I do wish it was a larger image because even in large view it doesn’t make it big enough to suit my old eyes. Very well done though, with all of the oof circles of other ice/frost crystals with just the two blades of grass in focus with frost. The BG really compliments the blades of grass too. Nicely done.

How delightful! Even though the color is subdued, this feels happy. It’s the perky verticals of the blades of grass and the soft bokeh.

A signature image from you again …cracker …no nits …

I would never forget the demselfly stuck in a sundew plant image …with the same oof effect :wink:

Balan Vinod

Ingrid: @Bonnie_Lampley stole my first impression; delightful. Love the simplicity of the comp and your DOF management. Wonderful soft color palette and the bokeh works really well. I almost wish there was more of it on the left side but this works great as is. Well seen and captured. >=))>

First impression was a joint sense of intrigue and delight - “Wow, what is that” combines with “I don’t care, it takes me to a different place”.
I enjoy the range of sharp and soft focus, and the upper left negative space generates a quiet feeling to complement the other half. The monochromatic pallette avoids the distraction of colors and lets me enjoy the shapes and luminosities.