Frozen Rock

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This image is from a Hike at Mt. Olympus, Greece, last Sunday. Last week winter truly arrived - at last - in Greece, and I rushed to hike my fav path, which starts at 1K of elevation. It was snowing up to that morning, but then it stopped, and at some point the sun started to pierce the low clouds and offered some excellent lighting. This was what caught my eye here; the horizontal band of sun light that illuminates this misty rock.
… All in all, I am so grateful I managed to do this short trip that day, as wintery and snowy days become more and more sparse each year.

Technical Details

ISO 400, 85 mm, 0 ev, ƒ11, 1/550 s


What glorious conditions with the fresh snow, the fog/clearing storm AND the band of sunlight!

I wonder what this is like in color, but I think you did well to convert this to b&w. I like how the tree line forms a bit of a triangle and leads the eye up to the rocky outcrop.

The composition feels a little left heavy, but then again that band of light across the frame warrants to not crop or change anything. Speaking of the band of light, my only suggestion would be to somehow increase the whites to make the band of sun more prominent. It’s pretty clear as presented, but I think some dodging and burning, or some other adjustments with some masking could accentuate the light even move.

No doubt this was a special outing. Thanks for sharing.


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Thank you for the feedback @Lon_Overacker … I was also troubled by the composition being left heavy, but this was a tele shot isolating the rock by peaking through foliage in the foreground, so that is the best I could do with these constraints, and for the brief moment that the band of light was present. I also was considering the color version, I might upload it here a bit later

Beautiful photo! Like Lon, I also think it feels left heavy . Not a deal breaker, it’s lovely as is. I played around with cropping…1:1 is definitely too much. Here is a 7:5 crop, with slight darkening of the upper right. I’m not 100% positive it’s an improvement on the original, but maybe…

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Hello @Tony_Siciliano … thank you for the feedback, and taking the time to offer an alternative crop :slight_smile: … truth is I also tried similar crops, including the one you shared here … I ultimately went for the wider 4:5 cut … after constantly changing my mind :laughing: