Back in March was my last chance to go to Assateague (or anywhere for that matter) to photograph wading birds. My husband waited for me in the car, so I didn’t get to spend as much time as I would have liked, but fond memories just the same. Today I was moving (archiving photos of the hard drive) and came across this image and thought I would edit a little and maybe upload to see what you all might think of it. I know, no real action going on, but hey, I haven’t had any “action” in photography so long that this seemed like a pretty decent shot. All comments are welcome.
Specific Feedback Requested
Exposure look okay? I did some selective exposure compensation with the brush on the GB. Anything else you might see. Thanks for looking.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Canon 5D Mark IV, Sigma 150-600 @388, f6.3, ISO 800, HH. Edited in LR with just minor adjustments to exposure, and used Topaz Clear AI to sharpen slightly. Full frame, no cropping.
I like this, Shirley. A very typical Heron hunting pose with excellent image quality and great habitat. I like the sharpness of the background in this image as well.
I too like this shot a lot but, I have to confess that I find that the big logo deal really messes up the story of the reflection. Maybe smaller, dimmer, in the lower left corner? Or just not there. Otherwise, I love the capture.
Shirley, such a wonderful photo of this great heron. One of these days I hope to get a bird image of this quality. The detail in the bird is fantastic. As is it’s environment. I’m glad you found it and shared it with us.
Hi Shirley
Vary nice looking Great Blue Heron. The background and over all exposure look good. The shot has great detail and color. The only thing I would add is , try to match the camera lens with the Big Blue’s eye. Nice work.
I’m not a bird person so much, but this one really caught my eye. Everything about the photo looks great. Wonderful composition and exposure. Everything about the GB is so crispy and clear. The image looks like a painting.
Exposure looks perfect, with an excellent pose and wonderful detail in the feathers and grasses on the left, and very pleasing softness in the slightly OOF grasses behind the Heron.
The reflection is such a nice element but it is really hurt by the watermark. A much smaller one, in the LL, would be so much better. A subtle gradient darkening from the bottom would help keep the reflection from pulling the eye to the bottom of the frame.
Excellent comp, detail,exposure. Watermark is not a dealbreaker. If I were to make any changes I would have been a tad bit lower but try to keep the reflection.
A lovely photo of the heron Shirley. It is impressive how close you got to the bird without upsetting the bird. Full frame at 388mm. Well done. Lots of detail, tack sharp, and well exposed. I really like it. Very representative of the big bird going about its business in a wet land environment.
Thank you @Dennis_Plank, @Dave_Douglass, @linda_mellor, @Peter_Morrissey, @Chris_Baird, @Diane_Miller, @David_Schoen, and @David_Leroy for your kind comments. I have to say, I wasn’t expecting that many comments, so they are all really appreciated. I will try to work on my copyright mark and see if I can do better than that. Had to take my husband for his first COVID vaccine yesterday, so haven’t had a chance yet. I see what you all are saying though.
David Leroy, this was taken at Chincoteague NWR in Virginia, and those wading birds are so used to people you can (especially when it is a group of them in a feeding frenzy), almost reach out and touch them. This particular shot, the GB was in the inlet waterway that is very narrow, running right along the road. He didn’t mind me at all, and I moved slowly and tried my best not to disturb him. I sure hope I get my shot soon, and maybe, just maybe, we can make a trip up there this spring. It is a wonderful place to view and photograph wading birds, eagles and even wild ponies.
Hi Shirley
A lovely photo of this Heron. I always agonize on where to crop when a reflection is involved. Your choice is perfect. I have no problem with your mark, especially since you are posting this in the Critique section where things can be downloaded.
Congratulations on your hubby getting the COVID vaccine. We got ours Monday. A happy day!
I have changed my watermark for copyright, and also added a subtle gradient darkening the bottom of the image as @Diane_Miller suggested. What do you think?
Thank you all for viewing and commenting. Sorry I was slow getting this done, but I had the chance yesterday to get my shot and it took a good portion of the day. It was worth though, no complaints.
Your revised watermark/copyright works very well, Shirley. Does not draw attention but still gives information/credit. The gradient, at least for me, helps to make the Heron stand out even more. Nicely done Shirley.