Hidden In Sand

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Some little “gems” I found while sitting on Limator Beach sifting through the sand. Making the photo was an after thought, as I had not intended to make a photo, but as I was leaving, I asked myself what to do with a handful of these little gems. Do I bring them home? Why? Do I leave them behind after spending so much time finding them? Maybe I take a photo?

Specific Feedback

Feedback on color. Too much? Too Saturated?

Technical Details

Not having a camera aside from that camera in my phone made making the photo easier and harder at the same time.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Emotional Impact:
  • Mood Creation:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Textures and Patterns:
  • Use of Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Subject and Genre:
  • Post-processing:
  • Technical Aspects:

Hi @Youssef_Ismail.

I like this a lot. I can go from rock to rock and marvel at the colors, shapes, textures. I don’t think it’s too saturated. To me, it’s got a nice warm tone like I’m walking on the beach at sunset and found this little deposit of sea and sand polished stones.

It doesn’t look 100% sharp to me, but that might be the phone and compression. I’ve taken to always snapping with my phone when it’s all I have. It keeps my photographic eye in practice. If you have a raw option in phone, it’s worth it to have it enabled all the time,


Youssef: Delightful collection and a fine capture. As an avowed color junkie this is nirvana for me. I could also see some tighter crops that fill the frame with the rocks and leave out the sand. They say necessity is the mother of invention so using the phone here turned out well. I’m using mine a bit more just for fun but do agree with Marilynne regarding using the RAW feature if you have it. I’ve also been using the PS Express app on the phone to process some of the images and that can be fun as well. Glad you took the time to set this up. >=))>

I like the way the collection is so random and yet coherent in some way. I also like the thought of transience it provokes-the next high tide and it’s gone. The only remnant a few million pixels on a computer that will be outdated in a year or two and be gone with the next technological high tide.