The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Not sure if this should be in the Macro category or the Landscape category. Moderators please move it if appropriate.
I continued along the beach after finding The Jewels Of The Sea, as the sun was low on the horizon and was casting a warm glow on everything. I came across these two stones in what appeared to my eye like a crater with blast marks radiating outwards and with a scar from the direction of the sun. I thought looks like what a meteor would do coming down to earth.
Aside from the structural aspects of the composition, I loved how the warm light wrapped itself around the gray rock and the fine texture in the sand with each ripple catching the sunlight and creating a natural light-shadow alternating contrast.
Specific Feedback
Your thoughts on the photo are much appreciated.
Technical Details
Nikon D850, Nikon 105 mm f/2.8 at f16, 1/13 sec, ISO 100.
Processed in ACR and finished in PS. I did crop the frame to a 4x5 format, as it seemed more balanced.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Beautiful light in this image, Youssef. The contours of the sand are wonderful and they lead into (or probably away from) the stones making nice leading lines. I also like the way the two stones nestle together. Another excellent beach find.
I think this photo is very well done. The balance is great, so good job on the composition and cropping. I think my favorite part of this photo is the contrast with the shadows around the rocks, and the warm light bathing everything else. At a first glance the sand seemed a little too grainy for me, but i think its grown on me the more ive looked at it. There may be a slight yellow color cast on the top of the gray rock, but it may just be the light from the sun. Great job! I love this shot!
Youssef: You’re making me want to go beachcombing again. My first irreverent thought when I saw the thumbnail was, “Why is he shooting a tennis ball?” Further examination set me straight and I like this a lot. The light makes the shot with its color and directionality. A wonderful find and a superb capture. >=))>
Another great beach shot, Youseff. Next time I get to the beach I am going to start looking down to see what I have been missing! I just love the lighting on the scene. It’s like the lines of light are pointing to the subject! Well done! I can’t think of anything that would improve the shot.