Textured Light

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Further along the beach I came across this lone stone with some interesting textures in the sand created by water rushing back in to the sea. The way the light wrapped itself around the stone highlighted all the small surface roughness of the stone and the low angle light also accentuated the sand patterns and textures. Maybe not as exciting as the previous two photos, but the simplicity is what intrigued me.

Still not sure if this is a Macro/Closeup photo or more on the Intimate Landscape photo side. I mean I was fully standing looking down to take this.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback is appreciated. In particular I toiled with the notion of removing that white shell fragment in the LLC in post processing, but decided to leave it in. What do you think?

Technical Details

Nikon D850, Nikon 105 mm f/2 Macro lens at f16, 1/13 sec, ISO 100

Processed in ACR then finished in PS.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Yet another beautiful find on the beach, Youssef. I love the very subtle dendritic drainage patterns in this one as well as the warm light. My personal taste would make me remove that one white chunk in the lower left. the smaller ones don’t bother me, but that one pulls my eye.

The light, texture and pattern are amazing. I’m loving this series of photos!

So am I! Didn’t have time to comment on any before but this one grabs me – it evokes the moon fallen to Earth, perhaps consigned to that fate for some forbidden trespass…

I love the shapes and textures and wouldn’t change a thing! Well seen and presented!

Another thumbs-up for your beach photos, Youssef! This one has a gorgeous monochrome feel, with great texture and lighting variations. And the composition is excellent.

Youssef: Well you’re not only batting 3 for 3 but 3 home runs to boot! Terrific lighting, color and textures. I’m actually OK with the little white pebble (shell fragment?) as my eye bounces back and forth between it and the rock and following the textures of the sand along the way. Superbly crafted image. >=))>

Hi Youssef,
Stunning Photograph.
The shell gives balance in the compo so I suggest not taken it away!

This is another wonderful shot from the beach. I too was finding the white pebble or whatever it is in the lower left pulling my eye. I see where it didn’t bother others and even balances the scene, so it is a matter of preference/taste. Excellent capture.

The simplicity is eye-catching Youssef! Such a perfect find, even on a beach. Have to wonder how many waves and how long it took to achieve this state. Also enjoying the nice light, shadow, and fine hair-like lines in the sand. Very nice comp too, but personally I’d probably remove that tiny shell fragment. I think definitely macro; I would expect to see a few more elements in an intimate landscape, but not a horizon.

Thank you all for the feedback. It seems like that small shell fragment has mixed reviews. If I take it out the photo is to perfect, if I leave it in it tires to steal attention - a distraction, but that is reality, distractions always interrupt and take us away from what is important.

Yes, a photo is such a personal endeavor, there are many attributes of an image that could be open to discussion and most of the time what we see are the photographer’s personal preferences and vision.

Youssef, the subtle dark lines in the sand give this a wonderful texture. The stone and it’s shadow are well placed. While it would be “cleaner” without the shell fragment, that bit does add to the tale of being on the beach, it provides a bit of size perspective and acts as a focal counterpoint to the stone.