In the Rain + Repost

Back after a long hiatus…
Dandelion seed pod in the rain.
This was in front of the window in my backyard. Not much space to maneuver the camera, so this was the only angle available. The background is the maple tree trunk.

Appreciate citiques and comments.

What technical feedback would you like if any? any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Canon 7DII + 100-400 II lens + tripod
f/11, 1/80, ISO 800
DPP4, PSCC, Topaz denoise and sharpener. removed a dandelion stem from right side.

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I like this very much. Such a lovely subject with the small rain streaks adding to the image. The water drops on the dandelion also really look great. My only suggestion is a bit darker background to set the subject off just a bit more. Something like this maybe…

A wonderful shot for sure, Ravi. I do not believe I have ever seen a shot like this, or even noticed a dandelion seed in the rain, so this is really unusual to me. Excellent details in the dandelion and the drops, and a real bonus is the rain drops falling. I do like what Keith did in darkening the background and making the subject stand out more. Great shot.

Lovely photo Ravi. The detail is outstanding and the backdrop of rain totally completes the image. Wonderful capture.

Thanks Keith, Shirley and Linda for your comments. Agree with Keith regarding darkening the background. I have reposted it with corrections.

Tad bit too dark. Here is another try. Thanks


Beautifully conceptualized Ravi, and as a fan of back light .this is top class
Balan Vinod

Ravi: Really nice refinements on your repost. The BG rain streaks are icing on a very nice cake. Well done. >=))>
PS: I edited your title to reflect the repost. It’s always good to let others know you’ve reworked the image so they can revisit.

Ravi, you’ve got great detail in the seed head and drop laden stem. The streaking raindrops are icing on the cake. The darker background looks good, it looks to me like Keith also lightened the rain drops to get them to stand out a bit more.

This photo reached out and grabbed me. Really great. The tad push on the dark looks good and enhances the steamy look in the background. Perfect amount of negative space. Great job!

A really nice job of capturing that soaking wet feeling. And the darker reposts makes it even better.

Stunning in its simplicity Ravi. I like your repost following Kieth’s advice, which adds a bit more tension to the composition. Congrats on a well earned EP!