Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I am still very much a beginner.
Barbara, I am really enjoying this image. The Iris bud with the drops of water on it is very pleasing. It would be quite helpful if you could provide the camera settings, type of lens, any flash used, handheld or tripod, etc., to better help in comments and critiques. I am guessing that you uploaded this smaller than 1500 on the longest side? It isn’t showing up large for viewing, so that also can make it hard to critique. I am really enjoying the colors and the droplets, with the nice black background. I wish there was a bit more room at the top, as it seems a bit crowded. This could have also been submitted into the Flora category, even though it is a close up shot. Very impressive image.
Thank you for your comments. I shoot with Nikon crop sensor. The lens I was using was my 18-300. I shot it at 300, f5.6,1/400 and no tripod. After your comments I added a little more canvas to the top of the image.
Barbara, thanks for including the settings, etc. If you want, when you hit reply to comment, you can click on Add Image and post the edited image. Usually when we do that we also edit the title (there is a pencil icon up there near the title) to include “+ repost” just to let folks know that you have edited the image. Try to make that image the 1500 long side size so it will be large enough to view in the enlarge view.
Again, thank you for your help. I am still so new at this posting business. Hopefully I will get it right!
I like the addition to the top, that feels less crowded to me. The larger view helps show the details much better, and everything looks nice and sharp (very well done handholding a 300 mm lens on a small subject). You could even do some selective brightening on the flower, but, unless that is the artistic look you prefer to have, which I think is fine. Very nice image. I will go ahead and add “+ repost” to your title so folks will know that you have edited this and reposted.
Barbara: Really nice work in all respects on the repost. You’ll get the hang of the posting nuances. Great to have you aboard and looking forward to more. >=))>