Just Daisies + reworked

Just Dasies + reworked

![Daisies WEB.jpg]

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I challenged myself to turn this flower into a work of art. I began by designing a suitable background and then added the daisies. However, the larger daisy did not fit in properly when photographed. After several attempts, I decided to give it a painted look.

Creative direction

The daisy was so static. I struggled to find a way to make it a work of art. Have I over done it?

Specific Feedback

All feedback is very welcome.

Technical Details

Sony a7iv, a 90 mm macro lens, ISO 400, f/22, 2.5 sec.
The flower was photographed in my kitchen studio.
The background started as a photograph of shadows on my flagstone walk. It was manipulated with blur filters. LR and PS blended the two together. I used Topaz Studio to add the painted look to the daisy.


I found the daisy in a churchyard. Editing it as art proved to be a big challenge. I let it sit for several days before settling on this composition.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

This is definitely very artistic Barbara. I really like the warm colors and overlays in this. I kind of want more flower in that upper right corner. You’ve been doing some great work on your flowers lately.

Thanks Ed. “upper right corner” dose look a bit empty. Good idea.

Lovely image you’ve created, Barbara. Looks like all of your hard work has paid off. To @Ed_Williams’s point; by adding an additional flower in the upper right corner - perhaps very muted and maybe even just a portion of another daisy - this would add a fifth flower. IMHO, having an odd number feels more complete. Wonderful concept and great execution.

Very beautiful, Barbara. Excellent execution, particularly on the background and the transparency of the various daisies. I like @linda_mellor idea of a fifth flower being very muted-you have three levels in the flowers in the image now and going one more step down should be perfect for my taste.

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Lovely, and definitely artistic, without looking forced – very natural and subtle. Lovely colors, too. I love the layout and texture. Something more in the UR corner is a good idea to play with.

Barbara: Exceptionally well conceived, captured and presented IMO. You’re really doing some nice work with your textures and backgrounds. Many kudos. >=))>

Thank you @Bill_Fach for your very generious feedback. By popular demand (@linda_mellor, @Ed_Williams, @Dennis_Plank , @Diane_Miller ) I added another daisy in the upper right cornor, I am very pleased with the result. Thanks to all of you.

Just rght! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Beautiful job in that upper right corner on the repost, Barbara. Very subtle and just right.

Thanks to both of you @Dennis_Plank and @Diane_Miller

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Re-edit is the bomb.

That is all.


Ditto from me Barbara. This is subtle. I like the little bit of a different angle of the daisy coming in from the the corner. Great way to do it. Love it! :blossom: :blossom: :blossom:

Thanks, Ed.