Juvenile Red-bellied Woodpecker

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


It appears the Red-bellied Woodpeckers had a successful breeding season. I have seen at least two juveniles who now frequently come to the feeders. I’m not sure just yet if this is a male or female; it appears to be a female but time will tell for sure.

Specific Feedback

Nothing specific

Technical Details


Canon RF 100-500mm, hand held, processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure and cropping. Topaz DeNoise which appears to have handled the noise well.

Very good, Terry. I love the pose and the composition works well for my taste. You might consider doing something about the bright blob on the left side about even with the middle of the woodpecker-it tends to draw my eye.

Very nice image Terry. The bird is nice and sharp and I like the left-looking orientation. You might think about cropping in tighter for detail on the bird. Well done.

Thanks for your comments, @Bill_Reichhardt.

Terry, how neat to see and photograph a juvenile woodpecker! I haven’t even seen one before, so this is really neat. All of the woodpeckers I have seen have been grown. Nice and crisp.

Thanks @Shirley_Freeman. I have quite a few woodpeckers around - mostly Downy and Red-bellied - and get a fair number of young 'uns every year.

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Oh how cool! I usually can tell when the youngsters have fledged by the differing calls of the adults and the response from the kids, but I haven’t seen any of the new generation yet. This looks great, although I don’t see that the NR was entirely successful - the lower left looks plenty noisy to me and the bg is pretty blotchy. In cases like this I will run Topaz Sharpen and the native Lr denoise AI and then layer then in Ps to get the best of each. Sometimes it’s what works. I hope these continue to give you some time with them. Red bellies are such engaging birds. And they can’t ever stop talking!

Yikes! You’re right! I didn’t see that noise! Wonder if I posted the wrong photo?! :thinking: I’ll take a hard look at this.

Yep, they are noisy birds. They leave little doubt as to where they are, if you want to photograph them!

A nice eye level look at the bird look but yes a little blotchy and noisy Might try to desaturate and lighten contrast on the greens to soften the look . Nice detail through the breast

I like the bird and the composition but, yeah - I obviously need to take it back and work on the noise! Thanks for your comments @Stephen_Stanton.

Hi Terry, I like the composition as the bird studies his surroundings. The bird looks good to me and I like the BG. Yes, another look at the noise in the lower BG would be worthwhile. Nice catch.