Lake Effect Fog

Was headed up to the swamp area in the boat in really heavy fog and just as a single bit of light emerged enough to silhouette this little island, I managed to knock out a shot. The light was Stephen King crazy.

Specific Feedback Requested

I use a Color Efex Pro plug-in to add a bit of drama to the scene, which nice, was a bit on the mundane side. Do you like the vignetting and color used?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
D500, 200-500 @200mm, f/14, 1/3200, ISO 1000 (Boat was moving at about 20 knots)

Simple ACR with lots of light and dark masks combined with a CEPro 2 Soft Landscape plug in

Yes, both work for me. This is a simple but effective image. The luminosity is well balanced across the image between sky and water. And I think it was a good choice to keep the trees in silhouette, it adds to the mystery factor.

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I like it. Nice and simple. I do think the sky looks a little noisy though, especially in the transition area between colors. JMHO

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ISO of 1000 shot from a moving boat in heavy fog is going to get you noise.

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