
I first saw these back-lit from a distance and then moved closer to investigate. I was taken with the color and the thin line of dew drops on the edge of the leaf.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any? any welcome.

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I really like the colors of this, and the composition too, Bill. Good eye. When I enlarge it though, things don’t look as sharp and detailed as in the thumbnail. You didn’t provide your settings. I am just wondering if it is in the capture or processing? The lighting is really great, so I hope there is some fix for what I am seeing.

Neat capture. Included in the photo is a nice contrast between the curved brighter fg leaf and darker straight leaf. It looks like maybe there is a very small dof and not quite enough to capture all of the top leaf. I like Shirley’s idea of providing more info for a bit more complete critique. It is a very well seen photo.

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Bill: Terrific comp and color palette. I like your DOF idea but I think the critical POF is the edge of the leaf and the dew drops there. They are oh so slightly OOF which does show up on the largest version. Still really well seen and composed. >=))>

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Shirley, Thank you for the feedback. Settings were ISO 800 f9, 1/100 with a 60mm macro lens - handheld, cropped to about 75% of the original. Probably could have done a smaller f stop for more DOF. Thanks, Bill

Bill, thank you for providing the settings. Probably could have used a smaller f-stop than f9, but I think what Bill, that the point of focus needed to be more on the edge of the leaf, as that to me, anyway, is the subject. Still a nice image as it is.