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The lily was just starting to open and I almost overlooked it – at first glance it seemed to be a deformed flower, possibly because the one next to it was way past its prime. I’m so glad I stopped on the trail to look more closely!
Specific Feedback
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Technical Details
Minimal tweaks in LR; into Zerene for a focus stack of maybe 15 – I never keep track of how many of the source files I actually used to include the needed slices. Then a little cleanup in PS but thankfully not much. Slight crop for comp.
Critique Template
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Diane, the main flower looks great with lovely colors and clear details. The extra bit at the bottom is an interesting surprise. It’s not clear for this photo what it’s attached to…is it a growth on the pistil?
Diane: Terrific POV and a wonderful result. I love the inclusion of the leaf and the not quite open stage of the flower. Great find and a superb capture. >=))>