Osprey Creating an Abstraction + RePost



Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I escaped from the home labor camp with garden tilling, lawn mowing, and laundry for the afternoon’s tasks. Bright morning light compelled me to head out to one of our local osprey nests and this was one of the male in flight with its reflection.

Specific Feedback

I may need to rotate this one slightly counter clockwise. What do you think?

Technical Details

Z9 600 mm f4 (1/3200sec at f8.0, ISO 1250) Levels, DeNoise, Crop for comp, slight enhancement to micro contrast…Jim

Thank you @Dennis_Plank , @Allen_Sparks , @Allen_Brooks , and @Ryan_H . I did the suggested edits and the repost is a definite improvement.

You’ll probably pay for that one, Jim, but you got a very nice image out of it. I love the title and if you have enough pixels left I could see just the reflection as an abstract. I don’t know for sure because the bird is fairly small in the frame, but there doesn’t appear to be much detail in the whites on the actual bird, particularly on the side of the body and top of the head. I don’t know if you can bring those highlights down enough to show detail at that scale without making it look underexposed or not.

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I like the eye level shot you were able to get. Looks as if the osprey might have something in its talons.

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Nice catch Jim. In flight reflection shots can be tough to get so this is nice to see. I like the upward wing position and the feet hanging down. Agree with Dennis on bringing down the white on the bird. Nice image.

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Nice capture Jim, I agree about the whites and yes I would try the counter-clockwise rotation just to straighten the ripples …as long as it doesn’t change the direction of the bird too much!

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