
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This one caught my eye when I was standing on a hillside photographing a beach surrounded by mountains. Can you see anything in it? And if so, what expression does it convey?

Specific Feedback

I had to crop the photo quite a bit and in the process it lost quality. Is sharp enough?

Technical Details

Canon EOS R
70-200 f4 at 200mm

ISO 100
Shutter 1/25s

I see a mature woman who is quite content with her life and relaxed. As for the reality, I see sections of a snow-covered stream where the snow has collapsed, rather than a beach surrounded by mountains. Anyhow, it’s a fascinating piece of minimalism!

It is fascinating. I see, as does Mike, a woman, but she is getting ready to eat a Hershey’s chocolate Kiss.

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Whatever it is, it’s totally cool!!! I don’t see anything I would call loss of quality. DOF is excellent. Well seen and presented!

Well done Nicolas! I see ink splatter. I love the framing and the way the ink spots trail off in a gentle sweeping line. Sharpness looks good to me.

I agree with you, @Mike_Friel @Alfredo_Mora I see a face created by ink. But I struggle to understand the expression on his face. I liked your interpretation Mike :slight_smile: And thanks for the encouragement!

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@Jim_Gavin That’s why she is happy! :chocolate_bar:

Thanks @Diane_Miller! I appreciate your kind words :slight_smile: