Party Crasher

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Our snowdrops are the first bloomers in our garden but along with them we also have had a significant hatching of crane flys. This one was accommodating enough to land and pose on these fresh flowers. It was windy so I put the burst mode and AF to the test but still chucked over 100 stinkers to get less than 10 keepers and only this one with the head and body sharp. Would have liked a touch more room at the bottom for that one leg but this was the only frame where the leg didn’t exit the frame. All comments welcome. >=))>

Technical Details

Sony FE 70-200 f2.8 GM-II, 2x TC, 16mm XT @ 182mm
ISO 400, 1/400 @ f11


Bill, I’m so glad that you are getting some signs of spring! I am so looking forward to it. Yes, we get these crane flies too when our blooming pear trees bloom in late February usually. I have tried to get a shot of them, but I must say I haven’t managed one this good.

Bill, the details in the Cranefly are excellent and its perch looks good also. Sounds like quite the shooting challenge… If you really wanted to work at it, you could add 100 or 200 pixels to the bottom and fill with content aware to get more space and then subtract the same pixels from the top to maintain aspect ratio, if you really wanted to hang this one… :wink: I’ve seen crocus blooming in a nearby park, but we don’t get enough sun, so our first flowers will be daffodils.

Lovely shot, Bill. Our first flowers have come on the Cornelian Cherry.

Very nice – I love the way the bug is sprawled out in contrast to the prim and precise little flowers. Good idea from @Mark_Seaver to add a bit to the bottom. An alternative is to darken the pinkish area there to the leg isn’t so prominent. But lovely in any case!

Flowers? What are these flowers you speak of? :laughing: It will be a while before we see any up this way. Crane flies either. So it’s nice to see both. Agreed on the idea to add canvas at the bottom.