Pine Sisken

A small flock stopped by to munch some seed at my feeders. A surprise visit; I didn’t have any last year.

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 60D, Canon 70-300mm IS USM Zoom, Processed in Canon DPP and PSE 2020 for exposure and color tweaking. I did add a touch of High Pass filtering to the image at an opacity of 50 per cent for sharpness.

(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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Hi Terry, this is a really nice look at this bird. I like the pose you caught, with a background that does not distract. I am enjoying the details in his feathers, with the varied patterns and color. My only nit would be to brighten him up just a bit.

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Hi, Jim. Thanks for your input. I agree he’s a little dark. Is this better?


While I’m not a fan of perches like that, I guess you get what you can get. The big issue is the image is incredibly noisy. Look at the background in your image compared to this version running noise reduction in the background. I don’t know what your original ISO was at, but the image was extremely noisy.

Hi Terry. A nice shot of the Siskin. They do tend to be sporadic in their appearances. A few summers ago we had so many it was insane, this year we just had a few. In addition to the comments above, there’s something weird going on at the front of the feet, like you partially cloned over a toe or something (or maybe it was moving and you had a really low shutter speed?).

Yeah, that looks better, Keith. What NR did you use? Thanks

Hey, Dennis. I see what you’re talking about at his feet. I’m not sure what caused that; I didn’t clone or otherwise alter the image in any way. However, my shutter speed was 1/350 sec.

I used Topaz Denoise AI

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