Sandy: Really beautiful image. I love the color palette and the position of the bee. If this is close to full frame you did well to get this close with a 100mm lens. When I “graduated” to a 200mm so many years ago my 100mm rarely sees the light of day despite the fact it is probably the sharpest lens in my bag aside from the 70-200 GM-II. Top notch shot in every way. >=))>
Wow, he is really sharp Sandy with lots of detail. Enjoying the soft pastel colors against the blurred green background too. Flower details add to the interest in this well done image.
Bill, I liked the 105 macro better than the Tamron 90 with the Sony (the Tamron is rated better and is less costly than the sony 90) but both are good.
The bee is beautifully placed, and the green BG sets off the flower so well. I second your choice of the 105mm macro. If I want to stay further away, I can use the lower end of a telephoto.