
I kind of liked the pattern of the yellow flowers in the grass but only seemed to really show it through ICM.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Nikon D3400, ISO 100, f11, 1/20, 300mm/450 equivalent.


That’s what I like too.
The combination of light green and dark green consistently spaced vertical lines make this a clean image with random, yet patterned highlights of yellow.
It’s smooth and evenly exposed throughout and I like it :slight_smile:

You did a good job on the ICM!
I have yet to produce anything I can claim as ICM.


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Very bright, springy ICM. Just what I need this time of year. I love the yellows too. Makes me feel happy. Thanks for reminding me that spring will come again. Nicely done.

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Your photo gives me a sense of warm Spring day with the slightest breeze blowing. For me, ICM photos should resemble an impressionist painting. Your photo looks like one the masters could have painted it. Very well done! :grinning:

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Spectacular, Vanessa. As @David_Starr said, it’s like an impressionistic painting. I can’t wait for spring to try this out at a local wildlife refuge with lots of yellow daisy-like flowers. Awesome work.

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Lovely ICM image Vanessa with pleasing soft colors and light. I really like how the flowers in the center frame the grasses to form sort of a heart shape. Well done!

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Thank you so much @Merv @Donna_Callais @David_Bostock @David_Starr @Alfredo_Mora for your feedback, comments, and looking. Everyone keeps referring to Spring, maybe I need to change the title! :grinning: I had to go back and double check why I called it Summertime and it was because it was from June, but I guess that could still be considered Springtime! Wow, @Alfredo_Mora I hadn’t seen the heart shape until you mentioned it! I was just seeing the diagonal, triangle/zigzag shapes. But that’s really cool, I could make it into a Anniversary or Wedding card. Thanks again everyone!