
As long as it is
Bright sunlight will keep them warm
Trees from winter cold

Specific Feedback Requested

All feedback is more than welcome

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Another beauty, Ben. These windows into the woods are so beautiful, they remind me of dioramas in the sense that they are an artform, but are to depict a scene more or less realistically. You walk that line really well with these. I’d like to step right in beside you. Was there any way to avoid the bright grass in the LLC? If not maybe some darkening or even a crop might work to keep me from looking there. You could also alter the color of the greens to be more yellow and more in harmony with the rest of the scene. Just some things to play with.

This has the lighting that’s characteristic of your forest scenes. It might have a tad more contrast than your usual scenes. The composition is so strong that it still doesn’t look busy. It just goes to show you that you can shoot contrasty images in a forest and yet still maintain order by using the shadows skillfully (like the dark bush below the main tree). The grass creeping in from the frame is an issue but I’m sure you know that already.

Lovely, Ben, absolutely lovely!

This image is warm and inviting and is a place that I would like to linger for a while. One minor nit is that the grasses in the lower right hand side of the frame tend to pull my eye a bit. I wonder about using a slight vignette or just darkening that area of the frame a little bit.

Once again, Ben, I knew this was your image before I opened it up. It has your signature look to it. Complex woodland scenes that feel soft and inviting and the use of lines and textures. I was immediately draw to all of the vertical lines in the forest and the one apposing diagonal line creeping in from the side. This scene would be ho hum without that tension that one leaning tree brings to the scene. I also like the branch on the large tree on the left exiting the frame, perfectly mimics the angle of the tree on the right but with much softer light so that it doesn’t compete with that tree on the right. The only nit pick is the reeds coming into the frame in the LRC but maybe if you burned those down, they wouldn’t be so noticeable. Sweet image, Ben!

I don’t think I can add any thoughts that improve on your haiku; well done!

@Kris_Smith , @Igor_Doncov , @linda_mellor , @David_Haynes , @Brian_Schrayer , @John_Williams ,
I made a rework on your valued analysis and advice.
I took out the grasses creeping in at the bottom. A bit sloppy of me not seeing them. I toned down the color of the grasses in the LLC just a bit. Vignette or darkening didn’t work so good.
I made the grass at the bottom a tiny bit more yellow.
To me it’s now missing some liveliness ! So I stay with my original image except for those grasses creeping in.
Thanks anyway for these great critiques and your time of course !!