Sydenham River

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I often visit this river at various times of the year when I visit my in-laws. It was a beautify summer morning and I waded into the warm water and explored this small side channel. I played around with the flowing water.

Specific Feedback

I used an unusual composition focused on the rocks and flow water and left a small fraction of the background in the upper portion of the image. Partially to avoid the bright sky. I would like some feedback on this aspect of the image.
I also didn’t worry about the background not being 100% sharp. Again I don’t think this detracts from the image but would like some feedback on this as well.
Any other feedback welcomed.

Technical Details

1/4 sec, f11, iso100. 24mm on full frame. Minimal process in LR. Opened up the shadows and used a mask to bring down the highlights in the top of the frame.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

This looks like a really fun place to play around with bracketing and settings and such. :slightly_smiling_face:

I feel like the top two thirds of the photo is really interesting - you have some amazing bright colors from the sun that are even reflecting beautifully off the falls. I would like to see more of that part of the photo, so I probably would crop this just a bit differently with a little less “plain water” at the bottom and a little more colorful scenery at the top. Or if there is a reason you cannot show more of the top part of the scene, use a tighter crop and cut the bottom and right 10-20%.

But that is purely my preference and may not align with your vision. It is a gorgeous shot regardless.

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Bryan: A marvelous scene and certainly a photographic target rich environment. The color in the main fall immediately caught my attention. A generally tighter crop to give it more prominence would suit me a bit better as well as taming some of brightness of the BG above the falls. Well seen and nicely captured. >=))>

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Bryan – Agree with Amber that I’d like to see a wider frame on this. But I can definitely relate to tighter crops on these moving water shots – I have plenty of them. I think when we crop this tight we’re almost shooting for an abstract finished product.

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The little fall hiting the rock with the quarter second shutter speed makes for a dynamic, impactful image. For me that splash is the story. Kudos for getting into the water and up close. I think you needed to included a bit of the environment at the top to capture the full flow and I second Bill’s darkening of the bright area. I agree with you that the soft focus in the background does not detract from the image.

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@Amber_Anderson , @Bill_Fach , @james7, and @ron . Thanks for the feedback. I don’t have a wider shot but I did take multiple difference close up images. I was using a 24-105mm lens. Here are various unedited images from the same location. The first two (2) were from a few years earlier the others taken on the same day. I like to come back to areas that are close by and try different images.

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this is probably my favorite image from this location as seen in a much early post

Wow - those are some stunning images. I look forward to see what you do with the scene. :slight_smile: