The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
My wife bought a Amaryllis Red Peacock bulb at Walmart on the discount table for $2.00. She watered it and put in on the table under a heater vent. At first there was no stock. Then it started to grow at a rate of almost an inch a day. At just about 36 1/2 inches tall, 4 buds popped open and this is what she got. Not a Red Peacock but this pure white beauty. I was amazed at how fast and tall it grew.
Specific Feedback
Any and all feedback is wanted
Technical Details
R5 m2,
ISO 800
Mode AV
Topaz for a little denoise then PS and a little adjustment on the contrast and brightness.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Amaryllis are great fun to watch, as they sprout and grow. We always get a couple at Christmas, and Jim is usually successful sticking them in the garden and getting them to bloom again.
This is a nice perspective and really nice detail. The black BG works well. Whites are quite bright, so I’d suggest toning them down a bit.
You both got your money’s worth with this beauty!
Very nice, John. I like the arrangement and the lighting. You rotated the plant to get a very good angle I don’t see anyplace where the whites actually look blown, but there are a couple of spots where you might get more detail in the petals if you pulled the highlights down just a bit. It’s always touchy to get them right and not turn the whites gray.
John: Nicely done. This brings back some good memories for me as amaryllis were some of the first flowers my wife really got into. We have them all over the garden now but we haven’t had any white ones for a few years. On my screen the whites look pretty good and I think your lighting was just right. >=))>
John, I find this one awesome! I love the whites, nice job not blowing them out. I can see bringing them back just a hair, but really not that necessary. Beautiful.
Thanks @Bill_Fach@SandyR-B@Dennis_Plank and @Ed_Williams . This was our first time trying to grow amaryllis. Now I want to get more. My wife went back to Walmart but they had sold out.
There were 4 flowers that almost looked alike. I wasn’t sure how to position Them. After turning the pot around a few times, and taking different shots, I choose this one. I liked it in the center with the other two on the sides.
I tried to adjust it in PS for quite a while, trying to get the brightness and highlights to look good. I had used a florescent floor lamp for lighting (all I had). So I knew the image was going to need an adjustment. I went back and fourth several times then settled on this. I was hoping for the good critique I received to let me know what the image needed. I’ll go back now and try to make it a little better. Again, Thanks everyone.
Although it does look better, it’s hard to judge if you don’t include the update in the original post. You can do that by editing your photo (click the pencil icon) and drag the new photo in (or upload it with the button). You can edit your title to include something like ‘with re-work’ so we know you’ve done it.