Why Its Hard to Work



This is Rowdy. He is a fifteen pound fluff ball Manx (zero tail). He is also very sweet. Sometimes too much, making it hard to get things done.

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Samsung cell phone.

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I’m familiar with that one, Ed. The cat we had to have put down a month ago always got on my lap when I was at the computer and insisted on putting her head on my left wrist, making it very difficult to type or even use the [alt] key in PS.

A very nice image. The balance of lighting between Rowdy and the computer screen is excellent.

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I, too, am familiar with it. Our cat, CC, that passed about a year ago liked to curl up on the keyboard. The neighbor’s cat, Caesar, visits occasionally (to our delight) and jumps up on my lap and insists I quit the computer and give her (yes, her; named before discovering he is a she) full attention. Wonderful photo. Thank you.

Rowdy looks like a fun character to share your time with, Ed. A really fine scene here too… :+1:

Our cat, Beau, who most recently left this life was a real mamma’s boy. Until my wife left to go shopping, than, he was in my lap at the computer. When my wife returned from shopping she’d ask what I was working on. The answer was always the same. Petting our cat… :heart_eyes_cat:

@Dennis_Plank, @Jim_Gavin, and @Paul_Breitkreuz thank you for your comments and sharing your cat stories. Rowdy is actually my soon to be 87 year old father-in-law’s new lease on life. He has struggled with some serious health issues for the last four years since he and my mother-in-law moved in with us. His outlook on life has improved immensely since Rowdy came along a couple years ago.

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Oh absolutely! Cats are butts and productivity preventers. I like your orange boy though. Used to have one myself, but now I have two gray butts, ahem, I mean cats. Or rather, they have us. Cats don’t have owners, they have staff.

No lie there @Kris_Smith!

Nice shot and a familiar scene. And @Kris_Smith, that staff gets well trained as well. My 2 Siamese will not tolerate any misbehavior!