Winter in Yellowstone

When I’m out doing photography, there are scenes that sometimes provide a complete sense of place. This scene in Yellowstone was one for me. The serenity of the snow gently falling, the snow covered distant trees, the larger lone tree, the red willows, and of course a herd of snow covered bison. I worked several different compositions of this scene and found this one to be the most pleasing. Such a magnificent place.

I’m putting this in the landscape critique rather than wildlife as the Bison are not the primary subject.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Olympus EM-1 Mark III
40-150 f/2.8 @ 150mm
1/250, f/5.6, ISO 500
Handheld, full frame


Really nice scenic of winter in Yellowstone, Keith. This would make an awesome large print!

This is excellent, and such great care to keep the buffalo from being hidden behind the brush in the foreground, excellent! I could get lost in that background, too. Those distant trees probably hold a calendars worth of images!

Terrific winter scene Keith. You’ve composed this with all of the elements in just the right place. The buffalo with snow on their backs just tells me how cold and miserable tryin to survive in winter is at Yellowstone. That dead tree certainly has character and and is well framed by the buffalo and the foreground brush. No nits from on this one. Terrific.

Great layers/zones in the image. No nits. Lovely.

Terrific layers here. The immediate fg, the line of brush, the animals and the trees behind. The big tree gives a sense of shelter even though they are all out in the teeth of it so to speak. Bison fur is so meant for this. I’m sure you’ve seen them with icicles hanging off it, but under all that they are toasty and fine.

I think you captured the scene well but for me personally, I can’t really tell what the subject is. The tree or animals that are obscure in the distance? Also, maybe try cropping out the bottom portion of the photo so that the red bushes are the bottom of the frame and maybe some off the top. Those two sections seem like a lot of empty space in the image. Love visiting this park during the winter when most of the crowds are gone. Glad to see others finding the beauty in it.