Wood Anemone

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 400D, Tamron 55-200 @ 114, 1/320 @ f7.1. ISO 400

(If the background has been replaced, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

The last shot I managed to get before our lockdown ! A wood anemone flowering up against a tree trunk on a slightly breezy day. Archives only from now on !!

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ā€˜igā€™ and leave your Instagram username below.

Very beautiful. I really like the BG. Have never seen one of these flowers before!

Wonderful Ian! The glow youā€™ve captured is beautiful and agree with Kathy on the background.

A few of the pedals up top are a little hot - but the good news is that thereā€™s still some detail there, so thatā€™s good. I might burn down the brighter diagonal on the bottom, but thatā€™s quite minor.

You sure manage to locate and isolate some gems!


Beautiful image @Ian_Wolfendenā€¦that rosiness in the petals is presumably real and sure is pleasing. I donā€™t see it in the brighter transilluminated petals, perhaps too bright as Lon suggests? The background is a beautiful halo of light, and I agree with Lon that the diagonal at the bottom competes for attention a bit. Great sharpness throughout.

Ian: I knew this was yours from the thumbnail. Marvelous lighting and color palette. Iā€™ve never been more grateful for our garden. The silver lining to this whole lockdown has been the time Iā€™ve had to explore it and the great condition its in. Praying that youā€™ll get some relief soon. >=))>

Thanks so much for your thoughts, Bill - itā€™s a troubling time for all of us. At least we have NPN and you have your lovely garden that you can share with us - your` Tour ā€™ really helps to focus on better times to come.

Ian, this is a beauty! Love the touches of magenta in the petals on the left and the fine glow of the flower and background behind it. This does an excellent job of conveying beauty and warmth in trying times. We can (so farā€¦) get out to ā€œexerciseā€, which for me means carrying my 25lb camera back pack for the extra exercise.

A shining star! Love it.

Beautiful flower! Tack sharp where it counts with a great background.

Thank you @Bill_Fach, @Lon_Overacker, @Patricia_Brundage, @Mark_Seaver, @Kathy_Snead, @Jim_McGovern for all comments. And thanks so much for the Pick.

I really like the glow in this image and I think it works really nicely. A beautiful image for sure!

Wow , Ian. this iso beautiful and well composed in great colors . I couldnā€™t see anything to improve.