Buffalo Treehopper

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I really need to plant more Black-eyed Susans in the yard since they host so many different critters, like this gorgeous leafhopper.

My first time seeing one of these impossibly cute and tiny bugs - probably 8mm long and not happy about my presence. In Germany it’s called the “Büffelzikade” which means Buffalo cicada, but it isn’t really a cicada. It’s scientific name is Stictocephala bisonia or sometimes Ceresa bisonia. Was so lucky to find it and that it was patient before finally flying away to safer ground.

Specific Feedback

Ok, it looks like I used a flash and I did, but does the lighting work? How’s the detail and composition. I had to be careful since it wasn’t too thrilled with me, but I wanted to get some kind of decent angle.

Technical Details

Handheld…or maybe a tripod, I can’t remember.


Lr for probably all the processing including a bit of a crop and probably some work with the HSL panel to manage the colors. Masking to bring up shadows the flash caused. Used Topaz Sharpen AI to bring up some detail.

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What an interesting insect, Kris. Not found in Korea. From the angle you caught it at, we can see its resemblance to a buffalo from the shape of the head and eye placement. The shot is really sharp and clear and does this insect full justice.

Thanks @Mike_Friel - it was such a funny little thing and the name is apt. Less than 1cm long; more like 8mm. And so green! I see the resemblance to a cicada, but it isn’t one. Found another fun little hopper on the same flowers the other day that I’ll have to post. Different, but similar.

Very cute and an excellent shot, Kris. Your focus is where it needs to be and the lighting looks fine, Kris. I love the composition. I am a bit surprised that you weren’t stopped down a bit further as I really would have loved to have the whole face in focus.

I probably should have stopped down more @Dennis_Plank, but you know how it is with living things - there’s only so much you can hold in your head while trying to get a shot. They are very cute. Maybe I can try again someday!

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Kris, what a neat bug! I haven’t seen one of these either, and can see how it got it’s name. Really nice. The lighting is good for me. Whether you had natural light or flash, it would have given off a bit of reflection, I think. I really like that clear portion of wing, where I can see the flower petal through it. The composition works too. Some subjects aren’t as thrilled with getting their portraits taken, and we have to get what we can. It shows him in a recognizable environment. Well done!

Thanks @Shirley_Freeman - it is neat isn’t it? I didn’t notice it had clear wings until I got the photo into Lr. I have found all kinds of interesting critters on these flowers so should really grab a seed head from this one and spread it around to other parts of the yard. Everything seems to love them.

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A seriously awesome shot, Kris! :smiley:

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Thanks @Merv - practice makes better! No doubt more time working with the flash will keep things going up and to the right.

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I’ll try to remember that one - it is spot on! :slight_smile:

The flash is definitely working good for you. :slight_smile:

Hi Kris,
this is an adorable little guy. It stands out really nicely against the yellow flower.

I never saw a “Büffelzikade” here. But I should keep my eyes open. :slight_smile:

Well done!

Thanks @Jens_Ober - In all my years of macro I’ve never seen one before either so I have a feeling they are pretty elusive. This one took off just after I took this. Very shy.

Kris: Spectacular color palette and a terrific capture of a marvelous subject. I rarely use flash so kudos to you for doing so so successfully. Top notch shot! >=))>

Thanks @Bill_Fach - it was a lovely surprise and one of the reasons I keep checking the flowers - usually a few times a day!