I'm Feeling Cold Mama

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Fortunately I am still able to lie flat on my belly getting down to their world!

A Piping Plover parent waiting to take its chick under its wing to warm it up

Specific Feedback

More of sharing a nice moment - but am open to any feedback

Technical Details

Z9 / 800 mm - mounted on a skimmer plate with a gimbal head

F/6.3, ISO 400, 1/2000 sec

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I know you’re thankful for that, Karl!
I’m not able to do that anymore, two back surgeries took care of that for me but I can still rest on my knees and use an HDMI monitor on the top of my camera for composing the shots. There’s almost always a way to overcome such inabilities :smiley:
I’m not complaining at all, it’s far better than being in a wheelchair so for me “The glass is always half Full” :slight_smile:

And this is a wonderful behavioral shot showing the relationship between mom and child.
It’s a sweet moment to witness and capture to share with us! :slight_smile:

Really nicely composed and the colors all compliment each other quite well!

Hi Karl, nice catch of an intimate moment here. The light seems soft and quite nice. Both birds seems sharp to me which is a big plus and hard to capture. Looks like both birds were in the same focal plane for the most part. As food for thought in the future, I think with a Z9 you could shoot at a higher ISO and narrower aperture and still maintain stellar image quality. That might help with ensuring DOF is achieved on both subjects. But as I said that is a thought for future efforts - this shot turned out very nicely IMO.

I’ll say, and thanks for doing so. It’s funny how many of our photos fall into this category. As nature photographers, this kind of thing should grab us immediately - interaction, gorgeous light and cute beyond the pale. Good on you for getting into position and waiting for it to happen. Lately I’ve been working on my patience when it comes to wildlife, and I think that’s almost harder to master than all the techs involved with getting an image of this quality.

Looks good as posted. Techs are good and you captured the behavior perfectly. No nits from me…Jim

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I love the soft colors surrounding the mother and her little one. It really goes with the tenderness of this moment that you captured beautifully. Nice work, Karl.

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Sorry about that @Merv - but I have to admir your persistence figuring out an alternative!

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Interesting observation @Allen_Sparks - personally i like the separation of subject from the background - I tend to agree with folks who have observed that mirrorless lenses are more forgiving with DOF - hence the 6.3 aperture

Thanks @Kris_Smith - patience is the key photographing , especially when you want to get the specific poses, angles, backgrounds etc - and of course, luck

Absolutely perfect for my taste, Karl. I love the low angle and shallow depth of field. As Kris noted, this has an enormous cute factor. Very well done.

Thanks @Dennis_Plank

Hi Karl
I love the low angle and intimate image of this photograph. The eye contact and feather detail are very good. nice work.

Hi Marvin
Lying down or sitting are have become a very challenging project in the past few years.( Parkinsons). I alway think I can get down there, but may have to wait for Spring or the nest passer by to get me up.
Using an external monitor, like your HDMI may be an answer. I have a Canon R5, how have you mount your monitor?

Hi Peter,

Sorry to hear about the Parkinson’s! :frowning: I’m sure that isn’t any fun but you obviously aren’t letting it get you down! :slight_smile:

Here’s a link to the one I bought for my Sony but it will work with your Canon R5 as well.
Link>>>FeelWorld HDMI External Monitor<<<Link.

There are several brands and models, the one I bought works just fine for me.
I was quite surprised about the picture quality, it’s very good IMHO.
It has focus peaking, exposure warning (zebra lines), all of the camera settings are displayed, it has touch screen and more.
It comes with a battery that lasts a few hours as long as you’re not using it for video recording (it has an SD card slot for that), video recording causes the battery to drain pretty quick.
The battery can be charged directly meaning a USB charge cable plugs straight into the battery.
It also comes with a velcro mounted sun hood, a short HDMI cable and a mounting bracket that fits into the hot shoe of your camera.

It really helped me to be able to get those low to the ground shots that had become impossible for me to get.
I was concerned that it might be too heavy and/or bulky but it’s pretty lightweight and it feels comfortable to use (for me).

One thing that I didn’t like was that the eye level viewfinder doesn’t work when the external monitor is plugged in, but I can just unplug the HDMI cable from the camera when I want to use my eye level viewfinder (but l do leave the monitor mounted for low shots).

There are a bunch of videos on YouTube about buying and using these HDMI monitors on cameras but be aware there are a LOT of them. :slight_smile:

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Have a great afternoon, Peter! :slight_smile:

Hi Mervin
Thank you for the information, it looks like a good monitor.