Sanderling Reflections - New Order of Images

Sanderlings on the Beach

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Another image of our local beach birds. It is so peaceful to just go for a walk on the beach and to watch these birds chasing sand crabs in the surf, or stretching, or just resting for a spell.

Specific Feedback

I used a clear to white gradient to wash out the top and bottom of the sand a bit which I feel gives these a bit of a misty feel.

Technical Details

  1. Canon 7DMii, f8, 1/3200 sec, iso 400, 100-400/1.4TC at 560 mm.
  2. Canon 7DMii, f7.1, 1/3200 sec, iso 400, 100-400/1.4TC at 299 mm.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Hi Ed. These are both very well composed and attractive images. Of the two, my personal preference is for the second. A non-bird photographer might disagree, but since the birds are larger in the frame in the first, I find myself looking for the focal point and I can’t seem to find one. None of the birds pops as really being sharp. In the second image, the birds are small enough in the frame, that they don’t need to be super sharp and the image becomes about the formation, reflections and background, all of which are excellent. I like your use of the subtle linear gradients. You could also try an elliptical gradient so you get a little fading at the left and right edges. The pattern of foam in the second image is also a winner in my book.

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I love the design, reflections, faded BG and foam patterns in both of these, and I love the gradients!

I also am more attracted to the second one, and @Dennis_Plank explained to me why. I wonder about just a little more canvas added all around to the first, if you’re into that sort of thing, but that doesn’t mean to imply there is anything wrong with it as presented. Both are lovely!!

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Thank you @Dennis_Plank and @Diane_Miller. I appreciate your insight and your logic in explaining why each image works OK/better. I’m going to switch the order in the post now.

Very nice image with pleasing detail and distribution. I also prefer the second image for the same reason as Dennis. I see a few sanderlings near my home which is near Puget Sound. But their appearance is seasonal during migration.

Thanks you @David_Schoen. I appreciate your feedback.

Hi Ed, I’ll join the club and say I like the wider image as well due to the sharpness issues. Main focus on the tighter image seems to be on the middle bird but I think it could be sharper to make the image really come alive. Nice groupings and reflections on both though,

Hi Ed
Do you have a up and coming postcard business? Very nice work.

Thank you @Allen_Sparks and @Peter_Morrissey. Hmmm, Peter our area could use some local postcards. I hadn’t thought of that. My wife is the graphics person that might be able to make something out of one or two.

Yep, the more distant shot is very attractive, and the “elliptical misting” adds to the beautiful atmosphere. Top Twenty!

Thanks @Mike_Friel.

I like both images a lot. Can’t decide on a favorite. Nice work!

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Hey Ed. Love these birds – one field guide described their feeding as moving up and back with the surf “like a clockwork toy.” So as much as I like the light and peaceful tone on the first one, the second gets my vote because the birds are in action.

@Dave_Douglass and @james7 thanks for the nice comments. I’m with you James. These birds are fun to watch chasing the waves in and out.