The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
The White-lined Sphinx Moth, sometimes called the Hummingbird Moth, ranges across most of North America. I saw this one nectaring on daffodils in my yard.
Specific Feedback
I think the image is okay as presented. Your opinion?
Technical Details
Canon RF 100-500, processed in ACR and PSE 2020. Topaz DeNoise. I removed a few bright spots of other flowers showing through the foliage.
Terry, these moths are so neat, but they are also very fast. I am surprised that you were able to get him at 1/1000 shutter speed. They are also very skittish so your choice of lens was good to give you some reach and not scare him away. The lighting and composition works well for me. I like that you can see some wing movement but the rest of him looks pretty sharp. Nicely done.
Colors and sharpness seem fine to me. A nice clear view of the moth. If the image can handle it I would like to see less green on the bottom and right side.
Well taken, Terry. A faster shutter speed might have added to an already pretty sharp moth, but when are we ready for an occasion like this? It’s a nice combination of colours - the greens could be toned down a little bit, but it’s a job to select flowers and moth, so alternatively I’d second @John_Tobias’s idea and maybe crop more closely on all sides towards the moth and flowers. But I know you like to give space, and I’m really enjoying this shot as is.
I’m very jealous. I have been trying to get a decent image of this moth for a couple of years. Great job of getting this sharp of an image on this very fast moving guy. I agree with Mike that the greens could be lightened and toned down a little. Nice job.
Thanks @John_Tobias. I can certainly crop in a bit more, but I typically like to see some environment in my shots,
Thanks @Mike_Friel. Yeah, I was actually trying to photograph some butterflies when this critter made an appearance. That said, I wouldn’t want too much faster ss, as I like to see a bit of motion in the wings.
Hi @Donna_Callais. Hang in there! Sooner or later you’ll get your shot. I’m hoping I’ll get a few more chances at these guys. I’m also hoping the Hummingbird Clearwing and the Snowberry Clearwing will come around, soon. Thanks
Terry, this is a good looking view of this moth, with excellent details in the moth. I also like how much environment you retained. The moth and the flowers stand out well from the surrounding green leaves.