Ctenucha virginiana

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Late this afternoon, everything clouded up and the winds died down. So off to hunt for small critters began before dinner. I found this Ctenucha moth resting on a blade of grass and fired off a bunch of shots with the flash diffuser in place.

Specific Feedback

The moth was perched face down and I left the comp as is. How do you like an upside down Ctenuchid moth?

Technical Details

Z9 105 f2.8 Micro (1/80 sec at F16, OSO=1000, flash at 1ev) Levels, DeNoise, crop for comp…Jim

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

The upside down doesn’t bother me, Jim, and I really like the depth of field on this with the head and antennae so nicely crisp. I do have one problem with this post: How on earth do you pronounce that genus name?

Dennis, Although it doesn’t look like it, I think it is pronounced: “Orange front moth.” I could be mistaken.

@Jim_Zablotny I like the comp, sharpness and the head-down pose. An intact moth. The ones I see have damages, especially the wings.

I think the head-down angle works well here. The pattern of the antennae and legs is a very interesting feature, as is the angle of the moth against the leaf and the angle of the leaf the other way. The soft BG makes everything stand out beautifully.

@Dennis_Plank I pronounce it tenooka and the first C is silent. Jim Gavin’s orange front moth works well for those not versed in entomological arcana…Jim

Thanks, Jim. High school Latin didn’t include this!

You do not want to get Ctenucha’d in latin class!

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Jim: Heads down works for me. Don’t have much to add to the prior comments but this is a marvelous view of this critter and exceptionally good flash work, Most excellent.>=))>

It’s all Greek to me! In Korea I saw Paraona staudingeri recently, also one of the Arctiinae, also orange head, facing downwards, didn’t budge, allowed a stack. I just mention this as I find it interesting how similar species can often be found in completely different parts of the world. As to your shot, great - I especially like the color contrasts. The diffuser is working well for you, Jim. Tried stacking?

Hi Jim, cool antennae we get to see here and the little splotch of orange adds a good bit of interest. Head down works for me too. Nice BG. Well done.

Thank you @Allen_Sparks , @Mike_Friel , @Bill_Fach , @Diane_Miller , @Dennis_Plank , and @Jim_Gavin It has been very windy for stacking so closing down the aperture was my only option.

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