Golden Sphecid Wasp

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Another wasp that was visiting a milkweed plant in the California desert. This one has such amazing golden and bright red colors.

Specific Feedback

Any comments or recommendations are welcome. Thank you for taking a look.

Technical Details

Canon 5DMiii, f22, 1/200 sec, iso 400, 100 mm macro lens with diffused flash.


No suggestions - this is very pleasing, the angle showing the wasp all in sharp focus, the portrait format as well as the lighting and the smooth BG. I do love the gold too, Ed!

Beautiful, Ed. I like the position of the leaf and the angle of the wasp.

Ed: Here I am again hating the subject but loving the image. Superb capture of a pretty fearsome looking critter. Nicely done. >=))>

Very nice capture! Great composition, detail, blurred background and sharpness. Job well done!

Wow! Thank you everyone. @Mike_Friel, @Dennis_Plank, @Bill_Fach and @Lori_A_Cash. I appreciate your comments on this. :slightly_smiling_face:
and thank you @Bill_Fach for the EP!